Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Rail Theater (Norfolk and Western 418)

Welcome back to the Railyard!

Today we take you on another tour, on former Wabash, now N&W #418, Safety Instruction Car! This car, built in the early 50's (To my knowledge) and In its early career it served as a dining car for the B&M (Boston & Maine) then became Wabash property. Then during its conversion to Norfolk and Western, it was converted to a Safety Instruction car for company employees. It would be normally at a station or a siding, showing N&W employees the current safety movies of the time. The large car, seats over 48 people, in comfortable theater seats (No drinks holders, Sorry), and projected just as a normal theater would. Currently, this rail car normally sits under shed, but during the moving of the 611 and 1218, she is outside connected to her cover mate, NS 31. Below are some interior shots for your viewing pleasure!

<- The door leading into the car itself, Taken from the NS 31 Observation deck.

This shot, taking looking back at the door, out looking at the NS 31 ->

<-This photo, shows the no smoking sign, along with the narrow passage way down the hall to the theater its self.

This photo, shows the down the hallway, and the dark abyss of a theater at the far side of the car->

<- This photo, shows the Manager's door, then the dark abyss into the back of the car.

detail This photo, Shows the Manager's door, in more detail then the last photo ->

<- We apologize for the bed, the porter hasn't made it around to the bedroom yet...
Anyway, this is the first view into the room
as you open the manager's door

Here is a view, of the other bed, opened up into a comfortable seat, good for reading or doing something relaxing. ->

<- This photo, shows the Manager's sink and mirror, the shelves behind the mirror still hide tooth paste, soap and a few other items.

This photo, shows the Car's shower, just down the hall from the Manager's room, the water heater was removed, so its presumed that they didn't use the shower after the car became N&W property.->

<- This photo, shows the front of the theater, looking towards the projection room hall way, you could fit 48 people in here comfortability.

This photo, shows the theater again, just looking froward, towards the projection screen. ->

<- This photo, looks down the Projection room/back hall, and a storage cabinet.

This photo, shows the back door, heading out to the Virginia Central Side rod locomotive ->

(Projection room photos, didn't come out right, need to retake, so they are forthcoming!)

So I thank you all once again, for joining me on another tour of the fabulous VMT railyard,
I hope you will tune in again next time for another wonderful trip into another historical car!

And as many railroaders say "All aboard!"
(Pic of the VC behind the 418)


FireFleitz said...

Hey Conner. It is good to see you showing off the Rail Yard. I think we met when I was signing my book out there at the VMT. I wrote "Firefighting in Roanoke". Anyways, I run the Roanoke Fire Blog. Check it out sometime. I will keep up with your blog. Great start.

TheBrakemen said...

We did meet that day, its a pleasure to hear from you, ill have to sign up for your blog, it sounds very intresting as well!

Thanks for the encouragement, ill chat to ya soon!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these up on the blog... I was on the restoration crew at the museum between 1996-1999 and did a lot of paint work on the inside of this car :-)

question: has anything been done to the interior of the dynamometer car since the crew (Charlie, myself and some various others) refinished the inside of the cupola and roof? We spent way to many cold snowy days inside that car sanding down the old finish...


TheBrakemen said...

Hey Chris, Im happy i could post this stuff, there will be more to come Saturday,

Now your question, about the Dynamometer car. To my knowledge, it hasn't changed, The roof catwalks still haven't been placed back on. Along with the interior hasn't been touched really, I can always do that as the next posting so you can see.

Ill see what i can dig up!


Anonymous said...

You need to get you facts strait before you post all this information. The Car number is 418
not 419 the car was not a theater
car in its early career but a dinning car built for the B&M
Later Wabash converted to an Instruction Car by the N&W in 1971.
Posting of video on you tube with your foul mouth in the back ground
surely is doing nothing to help VMT. And this is not the correct forum to be posting NS derailment information I sure its not making
VMT any friends at NS


TheBrakemen said...

I thank you for the corrections on my post. I sadly was not paying attention when I was typing the numbers, so yes, I did know it was 418, just had typed 419 by mistake.

Also, the voice swearing in the movie was not my own, but a gentlemen behind me when I was filming. I apologize for offending you in anyway. I love VMT and NS, and all things to do with the railroad, so i would hate to create any ill will between these companies, and rail buffs alike. In no manner was the information on the accident meant to be posted in negative light towards the NS.

I thank you again for the information!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.